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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Minister of Fisheries Disallow Catching and export lobster, crab and crab spawn, Governor Soekarwo ask postponed

Minister of Fisheries Disallow Catching and export lobster, crab and crab spawn, Governor Soekarwo ask postponed

 SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - East Java governor asked the Minister of Marine and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti postpone two new policy for fishermen. Soekarwo hope Minister Susi reviewing the policy of the effectiveness before they are applied.

"Last weekend our letter requesting postponement already tell, essentially in order to assess the policy first, because fishermen no direct selection rules that apply," said Soekarwo, Sunday (03/01/2015).

Two of the policy in question is Regulation No. 1/2015 on the prohibition KP catching lobster, crab, and crab spawn, while prohibiting the export of animal species such third seed. Then KP Regulation No. 2/2015 on the prohibition of the use of fishing gear and trawl trawl HeLa Pull in fishery management area of ​​the Republic of Indonesia.

If two policies that directly applied, will invite resistance among fishermen, particularly in Java. Moreover, said Soekarwo, the use of trawl and trawl Pull HeLa already familiar among fishermen because it has been applied by generations of his ancestors.

Susi ministerial discretion, fishermen Java through Indonesian Fishermen Association (HNSI) Java was staged rejection. They assess, policy Susi Minister actually kill the livelihood of fishermen. HNSI Java calls, as many as 1.025 million fishermen in Java is still fishing using trawlers drag. If the policy is enforced, we can be sure 1.025 million fishermen lost their jobs in East Java.

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