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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Certainly no cure every disease.

Certainly no cure every disease.

Every disease there is a cure for sure, that's ever said by the Prophet Muhammad, meaning heavy as we would any disease there is no cure, medications both prescription result of a doctor, or a recipe from a Herrbalis.

Unless the disease through our death has been determined, because in that case any medication is of no use, because the dying person is determined to die has been written by God in the book of Ahlaul Mahfush 50,000 years before God created the universe, including the Earth.


Ustadz Muhammad Arifin bin Dr. Badri MA

Alhamdulillah, may prayers and peace always bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad, his family and friends.

Once when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.

ماأنزل الله داء إلاقدأنزل له شفاء علمه من علمه وجهله من جهله

"It is not God send down a disease, but has reduced her medication, it is known by those who know it and are not known by those who do not know" [1]

In order for an effective treatment and bring results, we should heed some requirements. And the following I will describe the two main requirements for effective treatment.

So that your drug use is really useful and efficacious, so that you suffer illness cured, you must right treatment.

• Just when diagnosing illness you suffer
• Just select the medication
• Appropriate doses of the drug
• Timely use
• Right to avoid the various restrictions and other things that inhibit the action of the drug.

If you make a mistake on one of those things that it is very possible that you are doing the treatment will not bring results as expected.

Such are some of the lessons we can learn from the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam follows.

عن جابر رضي الله عنه عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال (لكل داء دواء فإذاأصيب دواءالداء برأ بإذن الله عر وجل)

"From friends Jabir radi 'anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, he said," Every disease has a cure, and when you've found the right cure a disease, will undoubtedly recover izzin Allaah "[Reported by Muslim]

Ibn Qayim rahimahullah, commenting on this hadith by saying, "In the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam associate healing with accuracy (match) drug with disease. Therefore, there is not one creature but had his opponent. And every disease must have become the antidote drug, which was treated with disease. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam associate healing with precision in treatment. This accuracy is more than just the presence or absence of drugs (for a disease, pen) as the drug of an illness when exceeding levels of disease, both in the method of use or dose should be changed to a new disease. When the method of use or less dose than necessary, it will not be able to fight the disease, so it was not a perfect cure. When a doctor wrong in choosing drugs, or drugs that he used not on target, then the cure is not 'it arrived. When the treatment time was not right with the drug, the drug will not necessarily useful. If the patient does not fit with the medicine or are not physically able to receive the drug or there is a barrier that prevents the drug action, not necessarily cure it arrived. All were due to inaccuracies in the treatment. When treatment is appropriate in all its aspects, certainly-with the permission of Allah-healing will be obtained. This is the best interpretation for the above hadith. [2]

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani rahimahullah said with a matching greeting Ibn al-Qayyim, "In the hadith narrated by Jabir radi 'anhu companions are signaling that the recovery depends on the accuracy and permission of God. That is because of a drug sometimes exceeded either in use or dose, so that the drug is ineffective, it is even possible that drugs actually cause new diseases. [3]

As a Muslim, you must believe in the providence of God. You believe that everything in this world happens by the will of Allah Ta'ala and conditions.

إنا كل شيء خلقناه بقدر

"Verily We created everything according to the destiny (provision)" [Al-Qomar: 49]

And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.

إنا كل شيء خلقناه بقدر (كل شيء بقدر حتى العجزوالكيس)

"All things (happen) on destiny (provisions and will), to feel lazy and spirit was (happening on Destiny)" [Reported by Muslim]

Provisions of the will of God and this covers everything, no exception and cure diseases that afflicts humans. Therefore, the Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissallam said as narrated in the Qur'an.

وإذا مرضت فهو يشفين

"And when I am ill, it is He who heals". [Ash-Syu'ara: 80]

The Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when one of his family members were sick, or when visiting people who are sick, he wiped it away with his right hand, while praying.

اللهم رب الناس أذهب الباس اشفه وأنت الشافي لاشفاء إلاشفاؤك شفاء لايغادرسقما

"O Allah, Lord of all mankind, sirnakanlah complaints, heal her, while you Essence Healer, no healing but Your healing, healing that leaves no disease" [Agreed alaih]

Therefore, in the hadith of Jabir radi anhu above, in addition to associate healing with accuracy in treatment, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also relate it to the will of God.

"When you have found the right cure an illness, will be cured with the permission of Allah Almighty".

Ibn Abd al-Barr rahimahullah said, "And in the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

أنزل الدواء الذي أنزل الأدواء

"The lowering drug is (Essence) which lowers disease" [4]

There is the argument (that explains) that healing, no one is able to hasten its arrival, and no one knows the time his arrival. Indeed, I have witnessed some doctors (physicians) who tried to treat the two people he considered to suffer from the same disease. Both are overwritten disease at the same time, the same age, come from the same country, even sometimes they are two twin brothers, and their food was the same. Therefore, the doctor treating them with the same drug. However, one recovered, while others even death or prolonged illness. The second man was recently revived after so long, that it was time that God has set his recovery ". [5]

Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani rahimahullah said, "Among the lessons contained in the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

لمه من علمه وجهله من جهله

"The drug is known by those who know it and are not known by those who do not know"

(Among those lessons is) what is experienced by most patients. He treatment of a disease with a drug and then he recovered. Then at other times he is overwritten by the same disease, and he was treated with the same drug, but the drug was not effective. The cause of this sort of thing is ignorance (ignorance) on the part of the drug character. Maybe there are two similar diseases, while one of them composed of several causes (diseases / complications), so it can not be treated with a drug that has been proven effective to treat diseases that are not complications, herein lies the mistake. And sometimes the two are the same disease, but God wants to heal not, then the drug was not effective, and that's when the collapse hubris physician (doctor). [6]

Rebut the presumption of the above explanation or understanding of most people that when a case has been declared as a cure for a disease then it should definitely potent and disease vanished. Or, if immunization against a disease that has given our children certainly immune and protected from the disease. Wake up, O my brother, all we do and we seek only limited effort but God who determines and foreordained. Previously stated.

إذا وقع القدر بطل الحذر

"When destiny has come then it will cease prudence"

That is, if God has determined an illness befalls someone, or when death has come, the various efforts taken by humans to avoid no longer useful, and it is God's will for sure happen. Of religion we should not forget whenever we are, and whatever our profession. Relation to the treatment of any disease that we suffer, it can be summarized in the following points.

1. Should we believe, that the God who created the disease is, and who determines that the disease struck us is God. We need not complain, we accept everything gracefully. Believe that reversed the disease certainly saved thousands of lessons. In this way, whatever we experience will bring good for us, either in the world or in the Hereafter.

عجبا لأمر المؤمن إن أمره كله خير وليس ذاك لأحد إلا للمؤمن إن أصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له وإن أصابته ضراء صبر فكان خيرا له

"It is surprising that the affairs of a believer, verily all his affairs well, and it is not owned by those who believe it. When she overwritten pleasure, he is thankful, it was a pleasure to be good for him. And if he have trouble, he perseveres, then distress it is good for him "[Reported by Muslim]

2. The next thing we should do is to ask God healing, growing faith and belief that God is only one who can heal our diseases. Therefore, the Prophet Shallallahui 'alaihi wa sallam taught his people prayer

اللهم رب الناس أذهب البأس اشفه وأنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما

"O Allah, Lord of all mankind, sirnakanlah complaints, heal her, while you are the Healer, no healing of thy melainan healing, healing that leaves no disease"

We often forget this. In fact, often times be a last prayer that we do in the recovery effort, or do we just have trouble when medical personnel, or we have a lot of money so that the sense of desperation has enveloped inners and-perhaps-with great hesitation we prayed 'a healing pleading to God, saying, "Who knows our prayers answered". Subhanallah, with our medical staff are optimistic, but we doubt the power of God, so we said, "Who knows our prayers granted"?

[Copied from the Al-Furqan Magazine, Issue 08, Year ke-10/Rabi 'ul 1432 (Jan - 2011. Published By Lajnah Ma'had Da'wah Al-Furqan Al-Islami, Address: Ma'had Al-Furqan, Srowo Sidayu Gresik, East Java]


Ruqyah not alternative medicine. Instead it should be the first choice of treatment when a Muslim is afflicted. As a means of healing, ruqyah existence should not be underestimated.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said: "Verily, deeds are concerned with including the main. Concerned with including the habit of the prophets and righteous people. The prophets and righteous people constantly fending off the demons of the son of Adam with what God and His Messenger ". [1]

Because of the importance of healing with ruqyah so, then every Muslim should know the correct procedure, so when doing ruqyah not deviate from the Sharai.

Concerned with the ordinance are as follows:

1. Belief that healing comes only from God.

2. Ruqyah have with the Qur'an, hadith or the names and attributes of Allah, the Arabic language or language that can be understood.

3. Mengikhlaskan intentions and exposes himself to God while reading and praying.

4. Read Surat Al-Fatiha and blew limb pain. Similarly, reciting surat Al Falaq, An Naas, Al Ikhlash, Al Kafirun. And the whole of the Qur'an, can be used for basically concerned with. But the verses mentioned their arguments, would be more influential.

5. Appreciate the meaning contained in the Qur'an recitations and prayers are being read.

6. People who should be concerned with ruqyahnya off reading, either in the form of Qur'anic verses and the prayers of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. So that people learn and feel comfortable that the ruqyah which was read in accordance with Shari'a.

7. Blow on the body of the sick in the middle of reading ruqyah. The problem, according to Shaykh Al Uthaymeen containing leniency. How, with a gentle puff without saliva out. 'Aisha was asked about blowing the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam in concerned with. He replied: "As people who eat raisins puffs, no saliva (coming out)". (Muslim, Book of As Salam, 14/182). Or is accompanied by the release little puffs of saliva as described in the hadeeth of 'alaqah bin Shahhar As Salithi, when he was concerned with someone who is crazy, he said: "Then I read Al Fatihah to him for three days, morning and afternoon. Every time I finish it, I collect my mouth water and I Spit. He seems to be separated from a bond ". [Reported by Abu Dawud, 4/3901 and Al Fathu Ar Rabbani, 17/184].

8. When breathed into the medium containing water or other, no problem. For the best media is blown olive oil. Mentioned in the hadith Malik bin Rabi'a, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

كلوا الزيت و ادهنوا به فإنه من شجرة مباركة

"Eat olive oil, and spread her body. Because he comes from a plant full of blessing". [2]

9. Rub the sick person with the right hand. This is based on the hadith 'A'isha, he said: "Messenger of Allah, when faced with someone who complained of pain, he wiped it away with his right hand ...". [Reported by Muslim, Sharh An Nawawi (14/180].

Imam An Nawawi said: "In this hadith there is a suggestion to rub the sick person with the right hand and prayed for him. A lot of history that is authentic about it which I have collected in the book Al Adzkar ". And according to Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said, the action taken by some people as concerned with the palm of the hand holding a sick person or a member of a particular body to read to him, (it) has no basis at all.

10. For people who are concerned with yourself, place your hand in a complaint saying بسم الله (Bismillah, 3 times).

أعوذ بالله و قدرته من شر ما أجد و أحاذر

"I seek refuge in Allah and His power from every evil that I have encountered and I was scared". [3]

In another narration "In all caress". The prayer was repeated up to seven times.
Or read:

بسم الله أعوذ بعزة الله و قدرته من شر ما أجد من وجعي هذا

"I take refuge in the might of Allah and His power from every evil that I have encountered from my pain is". [4]

If there is pain all over the body, how to blow two palms and rub into the patient's face with both of them. [5]

11. When there is disease in one part of the body, head, feet or hands for example, then read on the site. Mentioned in the hadith of Muhammad bin Al Jumahi Hathib of his mother, Umm Jamil bint Al Jalal, he said: I came with you from Habasyah. When you have arrived at Medina last night or two nights, I will cook for you, but it runs out of firewood. I came out to look for it. Then the vessel touched my hand and rolled overwrite your arm. So I'm taking you to the presence of the Prophet. I said: "Kupertaruhkan thee with my father and mother, O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad bin Hathib this". He spit in your mouth and rub your head and pray. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was spitting both hands as he read the prayer:

أذهب البأس رب الناس واشف أنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما

"Eliminate the disease, O Lord of mankind. Heal, You are the Great Healer. There is no healing except Your healing, which does not leave the drugs disease" [6].

She (Umm Jamil) said: "It is not I stand with you from the side he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, unless your hand has healed".

12. If the disease is in the whole body, or the location is not clear, like crazy, narrow chest or eye complaints, then how to treat it by reciting ruqyah in the presence of the patient. Mentioned in a narration that the Prophet sallallaahu 'laihi wa sallam concerned with people who complain of pain. Mentioned in the narration of Ibn Majah, from Ubay bin K'ab, he said: "He rushed to take him and put him in front of him sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salla, m. Then I heard he membentenginya (ta'widz) with surah Al-Fatihah ". [7]

Is ruqyah applies only to the diseases mentioned in texts or illness in general? In the hadiths that talk therapy ruqyah, disease mentioned is the influence of the evil eye ('ayn), can spread poison (humah) and disease namlah (humah). In connection with this issue, Imam An Nawawi said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim: "I mean, ruqyah not mean only allowed on the three diseases. But it means that the three things he asked about it, and he allow it. If asked about the other, then it will allow it anyway. Because he had motioned for them apart, and he was never concerned with in addition to three earlier complaints ". (Sahih Muslim, 14/185, As Salam book, chapter Istihbab Ar Ruqyah Minal 'Ain Wan Namlah).
So at a glance how ruqyah. Hopefully useful. (Red).

Maraji `:
1. Risalatun Fi Ar Ahkami Ruqa At Tamaim Wa Wa Shifatu Ar Ruqyah Syar'iyyah Ash, the work of Muhammad bin Ibrahim Abu Mu'adh. Corrected Shaykh Abdullah ibn Abdur Rahman Jibrin.
2. Kaifa Tu'aliju Maridhaka Bi Ar Ruqyah Ash Syar'iyyah, by Abdullah bin Muhammad As Sadhan, Introduction to Sheikh Abdullah Al-Mani ', Dr Abdullah Jibrin, Dr. Nasir Al-'Aql and Dr. Muhammad Al Khumayyis, Cet X, Rabi 'End, Year 1426H.

[Copied from the Sunnah magazine Issue 06 / / Year IX/1426H/2005M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-761016]


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