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Friday, June 21, 2013

Pilgrimage ever crossed out, above the age of 75 years and who uses a wheelchair delayed departure Hajj trip this year.

. Pilgrimage ever crossed out, above the age of 75 years and who uses a wheelchair delayed departure Hajj trip this year.
Drektur General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs Haji Anggito Abhimanyu confirmed due to the quota reduction of approximately 20% of the government of Saudi Arabia, the government Insonesia decided that those who have never been on a pilgrimage, those aged over 75 years, and that involves their wheelchair will be delayed departure Hajj this year.


The impact of rising fuel prices hit almost all sectors of the economy. But there is one sector that is claimed not affected rising fuel prices, the Umrah sector. How can that be?
Director of Hajj and Umrah travel agency Maktour, Muhammad Rocky, said of the experience of previous years, the number of Umrah pilgrims not affected fuel price hike in the country. In fact, he said, the oppressed condition of the domestic economy umrah relatively fixed number of applicants.
This economic crisis experience 1997-1998. "I think when the economic crisis Umrah travel time would be hit. Eh was not," says Rocky on the press in Makkah on Friday (21/6). He joked as he continued, "The more difficult economic conditions that trigger him to one Umrah. Pray that success again," he said with a smile.
Umrah applicants from Indonesia is very much. On Friday morning until noon watchlist Republika example of Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia dominate participants tawaf. In addition to the frequency of flights from Jakarta to Makkah every day never diminished.
Noted there are 11 daily flights between the two cities. Each flight was almost always full. One plane generally contains 400 passengers. Rocky describes, for Maktour course per week dispatched two umrah group. Each group of as many as 150-200 people.
Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) formally approved the criteria RI hajj pilgrim candidates (calhaj) 2013, which delayed his departure for the Holy Land.
"However, this list was made while waiting for a response from the government of Saudi Arabia on the letter sent by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono," said Director General Hajj and Umrah Organizers, Anggito Abhimanyu in MORA, Friday (21/6).
Calhaj criteria based PMA No. 62/2013 is the calhaj who have settled payments BPIH yet age 75 years and over.
"We were forced to apologize and their departure has been delayed due to security and safety reasons," said Anggito.
The second criterion is calhaj who have physical limitations that require tools. Anggito exemplifies those who fall into this category are a wheelchair user or a stick.
Calhaj criteria which would also delayed their departure is a pilgrimage that has been previously. However, this requirement does not apply to those who served as mentors Hajj or calhaj being mahram.
Anggito confirmed three criteria applicable to regular and special pilgrimage hajj. Implementation of these criteria will be determined by the provincial and city district. While travel agents are given the freedom to make cuts according to the criteria of pilgrims.
- One by one, the problem began to unfold due to the unilateral policies of Saudi Arabia this year's Hajj quota limit. Treasurer Haj Consul General in Jeddah expressed confusion about how the pilgrims advance lodgings and transport.
This is because the government of Indonesia is the first stage of an advance deposit to the landlady. While the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently announced it would cut 20 percent of Haj quota of each country at the beginning of this month. Terken 42.200 Indonesian pilgrims.
"We've put up the roughly 250 billion for this year's Hajj boarding," said Suyanto told reporters in Jeddah, Friday (21/6). The down payment, he continued, is likely to grow to be paid in the near future.
He estimates the condition no any policy of the government of Indonesia will then advance into the boardinghouse owner could increase to Rp 250 billion more for a total of Rp 500 billion.
With this incident Suyanto admitted there has been no discussion of solutions. Menag Suryadharma Ali and Director General Hajj and Umrah Anggito new Abhimanyu will leave for Jeddah on June 22. Both will meet representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi to talk about quotas and initial funding had gone into lodgings and transport.
Is the down payment can be withdrawn again? Suyanto shook his head. He said one possible solution is to ask the Kingdom of Saudi refund the amount of the down payment of 42.200 pilgrims boarding.
This, too, if approved Arabia. Or second solution, he said, the advances reported back for next year. If that is the problem will appear in the guest-house owners are expected to oppose.
Suyatno wish there was a win win situation for both countries as soon as possible.

Haram expansion process unfinished trimmed membuatkuota Hajj in 2013.
For comfort and absorption Muslims the hajj, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decided to cut the entire Hajj quota countries in the world, including Indonesia.
Ministry of Religious Affairs establishes three criteria pilgrims who delayed his departure this year.
"This morning has been decided, there are three criteria that are set to be delayed his departure," said Director General Hajj and Umrah Kemenag Peneyelenggara Anggito Abhimanyu in a press conference on Hajj Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, Friday (21/6).
Three criteria, first, calhaj age above 75 years. Second, have physical limitations, eg using tools such as a wheelchair or cane. Third, for the pilgrimage ever unless she is supervising or yangberfungsi be mahram.
Pilgrims who meet all three criteria, postponed his departure and prioritized in 2014.
When can you know their names, can not provide certainty Anggito time.
Haram expansion reportedly completed in 2016.

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