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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

In March, there are two bright comets passing and able to be observed from Earth, Pan-STARRS and Lemmon. The hunt for astronomy enthusiasts can get a photo of the comet.

 In March, there are two bright comets passing and able to be observed from Earth, Pan-STARRS and Lemmon. The hunt for astronomy enthusiasts can get a photo of the comet.

Some amateur astronomers managed to capture the Pan-STARRS. However, only a few really have amazing results.

Chad Blakley one of them, managed to capture the Pan-STARRS along with the phenomenon of aurora on March 20, 2013 last.

Blakley capture the moment in a time-lapse video duration 1:24 min uploaded on Youtube website on the following day.

Video features views of green aurora snaking beautifully. The emergence of Pan-STARRS comet just happened in the second-to-44 to the second-to-47, near the horizon.

Comet pan-STARRS, which has the official name C/2011 L4, was first discovered on June 6, 2011. Non-periodic comet is only seen once 110,000.

The comet is named after its inventor seuai instruments, telescopes Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) at Haleakala, Hawaii, USA.

While Aurora is a natural phenomenon in the form of rays, colorful, usually green or red that usually occur in high latitudes, around the north pole and south.

The phenomenon of aurora is caused by the interaction between the solar wind with the Earth's magnetic field is called the magnetosphere.

In an article on Space.com, color difference aurora influenced by two things: the type of atoms that collide with charged particles carried by the solar wind and altitude.

When the particles collide with oxygen, the color that appears is yellow and green. Meanwhile, when colliding with nitrogen, the aurora will be colored red, violet and blue sometimes.

The height also determines the color of the aurora that appears. Green light usually appears at an altitude of 241 km, a blue light at an altitude of 96.5 km, while the red above the height of 241 km.

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