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Friday, March 22, 2013

Bawaslu and the Center of Democracy and Constitution Election (Correct) accused the Commission violated the code of ethics. This is because the Commission refused to execute the judgment in favor Bawaslu Justice Unity Party of Indonesia (PKPI).

Bawaslu and the Center of Democracy and Constitution Election (Correct) accused the Commission violated the code of ethics. This is because the Commission refused to execute the judgment in favor Bawaslu Justice Unity Party of Indonesia (PKPI).

In the trial Honorary Board Election Organizers (DKPP) led Jimly Asshidiqie, Friday (03/22/2013) in Jakarta, Executive Director Correct, Refly Harun rate, KPU error in denying Bawaslu decision and the facts do not fit the law.

In fact, said Refly, the decision of the State Administrative High Court, on Thursday (21/03/2013) says attitude is against the law. In fact, in a discussion of the decision in favor Bawaslu PKPI in Jakarta on Friday (02/08/2013), Refly Bawaslu assess the substance of the decision problem.

At that Refly explained, the decision did not reflect the evidence of political parties as eligible participants in the election. Meanwhile, at the hearing, Chairman Bawaslu Muhammad said, the Commission rejection decision Bawaslu without any remedies were unlawful and contrary to the mechanisms and legal procedures. Therefore, the Commission violates the principle of legal certainty and oath election promise to not work according to rules and regulations.

Bawaslu also felt the Commission did not appreciate as a fellow institute Bawaslu election organizers.

After the hearing, Commission Chairman Husni Kamil Manik said the KPU judge ruling that ordered the Commission Bawaslu PKPI as participants enter the 2014 election could not take place. However, when there was no room for legal remedy.

Room to propose remedies instead given the Fatwa Supreme Court last February. KPU refused Bawaslu decision because it is considered beyond the authority. Therefore, the decision of the Commission Regulation Bawaslu assess Act (Act) No. 8 of 2012 on the General Election of the House of Representatives, Parliament and Council.

Authority under the testing rules and regulations should be on the Supreme Court. In addition, the decision to issue verification Bawaslu candidates and election candidates list, in Law No. 8 of 2012 on the General Election, not mentioned final and binding.

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